Mei 14, 2020

Super Puma AS 332

Super Puma AS 332 Indojet charter operate The AS332 Super Puma in Papua, kalimantan and west java indonesia. The AS332 is a medium-weight helicopter with a […]
Mei 14, 2020

Eurocopter EC145

Eurocopter EC145 Indojet Charter operates the Eurocopter EC145 in few cities around indonesia, such as jakarta , bali, sorong papua, makassar, kalimantan and more.  In operations […]
Mei 14, 2020

BELL 407

BELL 407 Bell 407 helicopter is the most fleet we operates at several cities in indonesia, such as Jakarta, Bali, Sorong Papua, Makassar sulawesi, kalimantan borneo […]
Mei 14, 2020

BELL 412

BELL 412 Indojet charter operates Bell 412 in jakarta, kalimantan, soorng papua, bali, makassar sulawesi and more. In the new Bell 412EPI, the reliability and versatility […]
Mei 14, 2020

BELL 206 L3

BELL 206 L3 Indojet charter provides Bell 206 L3 for charter in jakarta, bali, soorng papua, kalimantan borneo and more. The helicopter is available for VIP […]
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